İstatistik Dünyası Apps

Tercih Cepte
TercihCepte içerisindeki hesaplamavebilgilendirme modülleri hiçbir yönlendirme olmadan objektifvegenel sonuçlar içerir.Hesaplama Modülünde YGS ve LYSpuanlarınızhesaplayabilirsiniz.Puan Hesaplamaya ek olarak tahmini okul puanınızıeklediğinizdegerçekçi tercih seçeneklerinizi oluşturabilirsiniz.Bilgilendirme Modülleri ile Üniversiteler,Bölümler ileilgilidetaylı bilgi edinebileceğiniz gibi Tercih Araçları ile hangipuanve ya sıralamayla nereleri tercihedebileceğinizigörebilirsiniz.Puan Hesaplama bölümünde hesapladığınız puanları yineTercihAraçlarında yaptığınız aramalarda kullanarakgerçekçideğerlendirmeler elde edebilirsiniz.Bu modüller tamamen ve sadece sizin vermiş olduğunuzbilgileregöre sonuç oluşturur.Bilgilendirme modülü ile çıkan sonuçlar tavsiye vebilgilendirmeamaçlıdır.Tercih Cepte gençlerde ve velilerde bilinçli tercihyapmalarıiçin farkındalık yaratmaya çalışan İstatistikDünyası the tercihcepcomputingand information modules include objective and generalconclusionswithout any guidance.Calculation Module, you can calculate your score SDK and LYS.When you add points to your score calculation in addition totheestimated school choice option, you can create your realistic.Information Module with universities, such as thepreferredvehicle can obtain detailed information about theDepartment inwhich you can see where the points or you can chooseto sortby.Score points you calculate using the Calculation section againcallsyou make to the preferred vehicle can achieverealisticevaluations.These modules are fully and only generate results based ontheinformation you have given you.The results are intended to inform module adviceandinformation.Mobile preferred working to raise awareness in young peopleandtheir parents to make informed choices in the world is theprojectStatistics.
Statistics Guide 3
Statistics GuideWe think that the Statistics Guide, resented for service by usasthe Statistics World will be an understandable source forthescience people and students dealing with Statistics andresearchersand science people conducting surveys in differentbranches ofscience.The statistical concepts and terms have been identified with awideliterature scan and offered to you with theirexplanations.Besides, the explanations of the frequently usedstatisticalmethods and the sample diameter calculations are givenwithexamples in the application.All of the explanations and calculation of the sample size areforinformation and it is recommended to be supported by astatisticsexpert before conducting the works.StatisticsGlossaryIn this section of the application, the definitions ofthefrequently used statistics terms are given. The data presentedhereare informative.Sample size calculatorIn the surveys to be conducted, there are various criteriatoidentify the number of samples. In this application, samplesizecalculation methods will be used using the accepted criteriawhenthe population size is known or is not known. The samplingformulapresented here are informative for the application.Technicalsupport is recommended to be received from the statisticexpertswhile forming the sampling plan depending on the purpose ofthestudy.N= Population sizeThe size of the population which the survey is interested.n= Sample sizeThe size of the sample representing the population in ordertoproduce data about the population in which the surveyisinterested.Confidence LevelThe level of confidence foreseen in the surveys.d=Anticipated Deviationp= Incidence/Prevalence (p=0,5allows to reach the maximumsamplevolume)